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AWOL Zebra

Williamsburg, Virginia, United States

+1 757 715 0996 https://www.awolzebra.com https://open.spotify.com/show/2o4XaShIReXbRqJpb0rnsP?si=JFJ81pJnTmm-sLfeVG5LPg

About this Group

AWOL Zebra teaches people how to manage this illness. It’s A Way Of Life. We discuss working on your fascia with noninvasive modalities. We have a daily podcast. Individuals can share their stories. We have guests to help educate. The website will be launching soon. There is no cookie cutter approach to manage this illness. We discuss and demonstrate all modalities. There will be meet and greets and classes. We also advocate for individuals so they aren’t alone. We are sharing that your life is not over with this diagnosis. We are EDS from A to Z. Nutrition. Exercise. Mental wellbeing. This is for everyone. Especially individuals that cannot afford or get to a practitioner. We are creating a community that does not discriminate. Not everyone can qualify or pay for help that isn’t covered by insurance. We share a mixture of every modality that has helped us. We refuse to sit back and watch our children and others suffer when it can be managed. We have three Facebook groups. We are on TikTok, Instagram and Spotify (anywhere you can hear a podcast;) We offer free and paid sessions. We educate how to use tools and every day items you may already have to help manage this illness. We are a safe place for people to share and learn from.

  • Support Group
  • Global Alliance Member
  • This group holds in-person meetings
  • This group holds virtual meetings
  • This group holds in-person support groups
  • This group holds virtual support groups

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