Zebrapad VZW
About this Group
We are an association for patients with EDS and HSD who organize various actions and activities with the aim of providing better support for the patients with this pathology, offering them a zebra crosswalk.
Zebrapad VZW supports scientific research on Ehlers-Danlos syndromes.
The association is also committed to increasing awareness and recognition of Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders. Zebrapad VZW seeks greater recognition and acknowledgement of EDS and HSD.
The advocacy committee addresses the needs and requirements of patients with EDS and HSD and promotes the well-being of patients.
Meeting Schedule
We organize several physical meetings per year. We also organize online meetings and a virtual support group where patients can communicate with each other and exchange tips and experiences.
We do not use a fixed schedule for this, but act according to the capabilities of the patients and the organization.
- Charity Organization
- Support Group
- Global Alliance Member
- This group holds in-person meetings
- This group holds virtual meetings
- This group holds in-person support groups
- This group holds virtual support groups