Support Group and Charity Directory

The Ehlers-Danlos Society provides listings of support groups and charity organizations from around the world who support those living with a type of EDS and HSD. These groups are a great way to find local information, resources, and support. Search your country, city, or state to find your nearest support group or charity organization.

You can learn more about becoming a member of the EDS & HSD Global Alliance via the button below.

It is important to note that The Ehlers-Danlos Society does not have any ownership or direct financial interest in any of the groups listed below. These groups are independent support groups and charity organizations. The Ehlers-Danlos Society does not guarantee or make any warranties, expressed or implied, as to the quality of advice or support given by any listed group or organization. The listings below are based on information provided by these groups.


Manlius, New York, United States

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