Beyond the Barriers Series

Individuals from around the world have submitted their information to the Breaking Down Barriers Initiative, hoping to share their unique experience with discrimination and challenges to accessible care. These community stories have inspired the Beyond the Barriers Series, a way for individuals who have historically been underrepresented to share their experiences with the world. As part of the Community Voices Project, individuals will be able to submit their stories which will be housed on the website and shared with the community.

What would you like the community to know about the unique barriers you are facing?

  • Stories should be around 800 words.
  • Ehlers-Danlos Society staff or volunteers may contact you to discuss your story further.
  • Submissions are accepted only on the condition that publication of that material is not under restrictions on its publication. We cannot accept submissions that are already copyrighted.
  • The Ehlers-Danlos Society reserves all and final editorial privileges, including the right not to use submissions which may be edited at the discretion of the editorial staff.
  • Please submit at least one photo to accompany your story.

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