Published: 02/05/2018 Tags: In Memoriam

Danielle Marcel Gillis

She suffered for several years in so much pain, no doctors to listen and no help. She was diagnosed finally during her autopsy. After knowing what she had from her cousin being diagnosed with it, she begged the doctors but they ignored her, said she just wanted pain meds even when she wouldn’t ask for them—she just asked for help.

She was a beautiful mother of two. Her smile and laughter was so lovely. Everyone she met became her friend. She had the most beautiful porcelain skin and bright, dark red hair. She was a loving, sweet, caring woman.

Such a loss for all; 36 years old and went through so much pain and misery for such a short life! We miss her every moment of everyday! Pray one day there will be a cure and doctors aware of this disease.

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