Abigail "Ab" Krumbein


About these Clinics/Practices

I offer somatic (body-based) therapy to heal trauma and attachment wounds. I support you to grow relationship with your body amidst illness and disability and have a particular interest in supporting people with Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome. I guide you in unwinding trauma, regaining a sense of safety, deepening your relationships, and cultivating more choice in your life. I specialize in supporting queer, trans, and nonbinary people, people with chronic illness, and people healing from systemic and interpersonal violence.

I offer a 3-hour workshop with my colleague Kiran Nigam called Bodies that Bend: A workshop for people with hypermobility EDS.

This workshop will take place on March 5th, 2023, 10am-1pm Pacific on Zoom.

Register at bit.ly/bodiesthatbend.

We are two practitioners living with hEDS who come to this workshop with the belief that your bendy body is whole. We offer this workshop as a small salve to the isolation, pain, and inadequate medical care many people with EDS experience. We are here to help you connect with tools on your journey towards claiming more power and choice in your hypermobile body. This workshop is for all people with bendy bodies– hypermobility, HSD, and hEDS– who are seeking support. In this space, you will have a chance to explore your relationship to your body, learn vital nutrition information, and weave EDS community.

What you’ll get as a participant:

+ A resource zine with somatics tools and nutrition tips and recipes for hEDS
+ A deepened understanding of the connections between the gut, connective tissues, digestion, inflammation, and chronic pain
+ A chance to explore your relationship to your body using art or writing, in a group of people with shared lived experiences
+ An opportunity to cultivate a greater sense of agency and power by practicing feeling more and feeling less

Access info: This workshop will take place over Zoom. Live auto captioning will be available. All participation is by choice and may be opted out-of. We will be using a mixture of solo reflection, large group discussion, and breakout rooms, and will take a 20 minute break halfway through. If you have additional access needs that will support your presence and make your participation possible, please let us know in your registration form.

Professional Designation: AMFT #131398, APCC #11365, Supervised by Jennifer Ianniello, LMFT #48321

Professional Boards and Affiliations: AMFT #131398, APCC #11365

Practice/Clinic Information

Ab Krumbein Therapy
PO Box 3973
3175 Adeline Street
CA - California
United States

https://therapywithab.space/ +1-510-281-1707


Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: University of Michigan

Degree: Environmental Studies

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: California Institute of Integral Studies

Degree: Master's in Somatic Psychology

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