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Alexandre Amato

+55-115-100-0000 https://www.amato.com.br

Professional Designation: MD, PhD

Specialities: Surgeon - Vascular

Hospital Affiliations: Albert Einstein

About these Clinics/Practices

We are a day hospital with many medical specialties, including the vascular surgeon. We treat EDS and related pathologies like lipedema and vascular compression syndromes. We published papers about EDS: Amato ACM, da Silva AEC, Bernal IM, et al. Combined Nutcracker and Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes: A Case Report. EJVES Vasc Forum 2020; 47: 12–17.

Practice/Clinic Information

Amato - Instituto de Medicina Avançada
Avenida Brasil
São Paulo
SP - São Paulo


Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: MD

Degree: Universidade de São Paulo

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