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Anna Hutchinson

+44 7594 148207 https://www.integrated-psychology-clinic.com

Professional Designation: DClinPsy

Specialities: Psychologist

Hospital Affiliations: The Wellington

Professional Boards and Affiliations: British Psychological Society HCPC

About these Clinics/Practices

We are a small group of professional, experienced and compassionate clinical psychologists who are all highly experienced in working with people diagnosed with EDS or hyper mobility. Amongst other things, we can support people by providing pain management programmes, support in returning to school or work, adjusting to their diagnosis, or in managing associated mental health difficulties such as anxiety or depression.

Practice/Clinic Information

The Integrated Psychology Clinic
55 Queen Anne Street
Greater London
United Kingdom

https://www.integrated-psychology-clinic.com +44 7594 148207

Clinic Type: Yes


Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: Cardiff University

Degree: BA (Hons)

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: University College London

Degree: MSc

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: University of London, Royal Holloway

Degree: DClinPsy

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