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Bianca Comfort


Professional Designation: Clinical Psychologist

Specialities: Psychologist

Professional Boards and Affiliations: MAPS FCCLP MAusPainSoc GAICD

About these Clinics/Practices

Telehealth only – available for clients anywhere in Australia.

Comfort Psychology is a boutique psychology telehealth practice passionate about supporting neurodivergent folk and people with chronic illness. We have a particular interest in helping people navigate the interrelationship between psychological and physical health, with particular expertise and training in EDS/HSD, POTS, MCAS, and other common co-comorbidities.

Bianca is the Co-Lead of the Australian EDS/HSD Network, part of the EDS Society’s Centers and Networks of Excellence (CNE) Program.

Practice/Clinic Information

Comfort Psychology
PO Box 49
VIC - Victoria



Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: Swinburne University of Technology,

Degree: BSocSci(Psych)

Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: Federation University

Degree: PGradDipPsych

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: The Cairnmillar Institute

Degree: MPsych(Clinical)

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