Bonnie Southgate
[email protected] +44 7717 854406 http://www.biopilatestherapy.comSpecialities: Therapist - Sports Medicine
Professional Boards and Affiliations: Sports Therapy Association level 5 sports therapist Pilates Therapy
About these Clinics/Practices
I run a therapy centre which has both a fully equip Pilates studio and has treatment rooms used by Sports Therapists, and a Chiropractor. I run and own the clinic and have been diagnosed with hEDS with marfanoid characteristics and have encountered dislocations, hernias, and surgeries relating to the condition. My chiropractor also suffers from hypermobility spectrum disorder. We specialise in all MSK related issues due to hypermobility and can offer support in many areas where there seems to be very little. We offer both group classes with only hypermobiles in them or private tuition depending on severity. We offer different modalities such as acupuncture, massage, kinesiology taping, ISM assessment and Neuro kinetic therapy, among other things. All new clients will require an initial assessment.
Practice/Clinic Information
Pilates Therapy Centre
298 Ringwood Road
BH22 9AS
United Kingdom
Clinic Type: Yes
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
School Name: Pilates Foundation, Scott Studio
Degree: comprehensive Pilates teacher
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: Movement Therapy Diploma
Degree: level 4 currently undertaking level 5 degree level qualification