Brian Polvi
About these Clinics/Practices
Our facility specializes in soft tissue disorders and we have trademarked a specialized soft tissue technique, Myodynamic Remodeling, that was developed by the lead health care provider in our facility. This treatment has proven to be extremely effective in assisting with the recovery or associated pathology affecting soft tissue disorders. The treatment frequently requires coordination of medical pain management procedures that are performed within the medical office building. Additional treatments performed within our facility may be found on our website.
Professional Designation: DC
Practice/Clinic Information
Absolute Health Center, Inc.
3910 S. Carefree Circle
Suite A
Colorado Springs
CO - Colorado
United States
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
School Name: Oregon State University
Degree: Pre-medical major
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: Southern California University of Health Sciences
Degree: DC