Carey Coffin

Massage Therapy

About these Clinics/Practices

Carey is a massage therapist/Reiki practitioner, a neurospicy queer woman, and a firm believer in the “fundamental interconnectedness of all things.” She attended ICT Northumberland College School of Massage Therapy where she earned the MTWPAM (Massage Therapists and Wholistic Practitioners Association of the Maritimes) Award when she graduated in 2019 and to this day, Carey is a member in good standing of the Massage Therapy Association of Nova Scotia (Kjipuktuk). Her therapeutic toolbox includes myofascial release, deep tissue therapy, Swedish massage, Mitsuki-do, Reiki, and movement-informed homecare suggestions.
Carey believes massage is for everybody, and every body type. Her practice is COVID conscious, and especially welcoming of the LGBTQ+ crowd, those who are BIPOC, and fat folx. She is excited for all opportunities to learn new techniques and is grateful to everyone who allows her to partake in their healing journey.
Aside from her wholistic detective massage therapy work, Carey is a belly dancer, knitting designer, leatherworker, hula hooper, fire eater, costume designer, and voracious book reader.

Professional Designation: RMT

Professional Boards and Affiliations: MTANS

Practice/Clinic Information

Carey Coffin Massage Therapy
201-2045 Harvard St.
NS - Nova Scotia
B3L 2S6


Qualification Type: Other

School Name: ICT Northumberland College

Degree: Diploma in Massage Therapy

Last Updated: 31st January 2025

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