Elizabeth Bailey
[email protected] +1-310-344-3382Professional Designation: RN,LMFT (CA)
Specialities: Nurse Practitioner - General
Professional Boards and Affiliations: ANCC certified RN Licensed registered nurse. (CA BBS) Licensed marriage and family therapist (CA BBS(
About these Clinics/Practices
I am and RN (board certified in psych/mental health) with eleven years at UCLA’s Resnick Neuropsych Hospital on the med-psych unit. I am also a licensed marriage and family psychotherapist in California. I work with a full range of diagnosis including medical and mental health issues. My interest is chronic illness. I am currently seeing clients via telehealth only.
Practice/Clinic Information
Elizabeth Bailey RN LMFT
501 S Reino Road
Suite 242
Newbury Park
CA - California
United States
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
School Name: Hampshire College
Degree: BA
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
School Name: .
Degree: MA clinical Psychology