Ian C Chikanza

Pediatric, Rheumatology

About these Clinics/Practices

The International Arthritis & Hypermobility Centre (IAHC) at The Harley Street Clinic is a Specialist Rheumatology Professorial run centre of clinical excellence in London, UK. It offers a wholestic and comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and management of adults and children with rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders as well as the spectrum of hypermobility disorders and related conditions; as well as genetic confirmation as may be necessary and indicated. It is allied to the International Hypermobility Clinic. It has a network of renowned international experts in: Cardiovascular Autonomic dysfunction, Psychotherapy for pain control, Gait analysis and Podiatry, Gastroenterology and Diatetics, Genetics, Uro-gynaecology, Neurosurgery and Orthopeadics.

Professional Designation: MB,ChB,MRCP,FRCP,FRCPCH,FACP,FCP,MD

Hospital Affiliations: The HCA Healthcare Group, London, UK

Professional Boards and Affiliations: British Society of Rheumatology; Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK American College of Rheumatology American College of Physicians

Practice/Clinic Information

International Arthritis & Hypermobility Centre
16 Devonshire Street
Greater London
United Kingdom

http://www.iahcentre.com +44 7764 677111

Clinic Type: Private

Practice/Clinic Information

Arthritis Care Centre
Parirenyatwa Hospital
Mazoe Street
HRE - Harare
Box A678


Clinic Type: Private

Practice/Clinic Information

Dept of Rheumatology
St Bartholomews & The Royal London Hospital
Bancroft Road
Greater London
Greater London
United Kingdom


Clinic Type: Private


Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: Zimbabwe

Degree: MB, ChB, MD

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: Royal College of Physicians, London

Degree: MRCP, FRCP

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health

Degree: FRCPCH

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