Joanna Delgado Falcón Cooper
[email protected] +52-55-1951-9013Professional Designation: MD
Specialities: Physician - Genetics
Professional Boards and Affiliations: Member of the Mexican Human Genetics Association (AMGH) Member of the Mexican Human Genetics Counsel
About these Clinics/Practices
“I am a medical geneticist and proud zebra. Since I was first diagnosed with hypermobile EDS in 2018, I have been passionately dedicated to learning to take care of myself and help others deal with the clinical and emotional aspects of EDS and connective tissue disorders. Through my experience, both as a physician and a patient, I have seen the importance of making a difference through empathy and compassion. I am a certified grief counselor by the Instituto Mexicano de Tanatología A.C and have postgraduate training in Logotherapy from the Mexican Society for Existential Analysis and Logotherapy. I am currently finishing my training as a Biodynamic Somatic Psychotherapist at the Center for Somatic Biodynamic Psychotherapy, Mexico, I am certain that our emotions have a direct effect on our wellbeing. I have a Master´s Degree in Antiaging and Longevity Medicine by the University of Barcelona and have dedicated the last years of my life to changing my lifestyle to improve and prolong my healthspan.
My private practice is centered mainly in helping diagnose and manage patients with EDS and HSD to improve their quality of life.”
Practice/Clinic Information
Genética Médica
Pasaje Interlomas, Boulevard 39, Interlomas (Terraz), Piso 3, Consultorio 302, Huixquilucan, Edo de México. C.P. 52787
MX - Mexico
Qualification Type: Professional Qualification
School Name: Anahuac University, Mexico City.
Degree: MD
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: Instituto Mexicano de Tanatología A.C
Degree: Thanatology
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: Sociedad Mexicana de Análisis Existencial y Logoterapia
Degree: Diploma in Logotherapy
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: Instituto Forymat, Barcelona University, Spain.
Degree: Master in Antiaging and Longevity Medicine