Kinje Paserpskis

Physical Therapist

About these Clinics/Practices

The Refuge Specialty Physical Therapy treats:

Pelvic floor and abdominal dysfunction, bowel and bladder, sexual pain and dysfunction, with sex counseling available.

“Zebra” diagnoses and complicated cases that may have failed standard treatments

Musculoskeletal and neuromuscular diagnoses

The majority of my clients tend to identify with one or more of:



variegated flavors of gender and sexual identities

autoimmune or dysautonomia issues

chronic pain

Professional Designation: PT, DPT

Practice/Clinic Information

The Refuge Specialty Physical Therapy P.L.L.C.
8501 Hwy 271 S
Fort Smith
AR - Arkansas
United States +1-479-662-9188


Qualification Type: Medical/ Dental/ Nursing

School Name: University of Central Arkansas

Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy

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