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Lisa Arthurs

+44-7939-900165 https://www.tcrphysio.co.uk/

Professional Designation: HCPC, CSP

About these Clinics/Practices

Lisa founded TCR Physio in 2022 and has worked tirelessly to create the elite healthcare consultancy that it is today.

Since qualifying in 2014 Lisa has spent her career in the NHS, elite sport and in private practice in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. EDS was one of the first long-term conditions Lisa was exposed to during her first role in the NHS. Since then Lisa has spent years working with individuals to live their lives to the fullest, in whatever way that looks to them.  Lisa largely utilises her multiple-decades of experience in strength and conditioning to help individuals with EDS each their full potential, while working closely with their medical teams in London and abroad.


TCR Physio is located in Soho and Liverpool Street.

Practice/Clinic Information

TCR Physio
Until Soho
111 Charing Cross Road
United Kingdom

Clinic Type: Yes


Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: Northumberia University

Degree: Pre Reg MSc Physiotherapy

Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: Northumbria University

Degree: MSc Physiotherapy

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