Marcia Campagna

Speech Pathologist

About these Clinics/Practices

Best Speech Therapy, PLLC specializes in the muscles of the face and mouth. We provide neuromuscular re-training for respiration, chewing, swallowing, and speaking by targeting muscle movements of the jaw, lips/cheeks, and tongue. We collaborate with orthodontists, airway dentists, TMJ specialists, ENTs, and whole body professionals.

Professional Designation: MS, CCC-SLP, COM®

Professional Boards and Affiliations: American Speech Language Hearing Association International Association of Orofacial Myology

Practice/Clinic Information

Best Speech Therapy, PLLC
15150 Preston Road
Ste 300
TX - Texas
United States


Qualification Type: Professional Qualification

School Name: UT Dallas

Degree: MS in Communication Disorders

Qualification Type: Professional Qualification

School Name: International Association of Orofacial Myology

Degree: Board Certification in Orofacial Myology

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