Neeti Ghali
[email protected] 02088693166 Designation: Clinical Genetics
Hospital Affiliations: Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals
About these Clinics/Practices
The complex EDS service is a specialist service if someone is suspected to have a rare type of EDS. We review and discuss the medical and family history, offer a physical examination and may offer a test such as genetic testing. If you have a rare type of EDS, we will offer support to help you manage your condition and this may include seeing other specialists. If you do not have a rare type of EDS, you will be discharged from our care and we may recommend more local specialist care to help you manage your condition.
Practice/Clinic Information
National Complex Ehlers Danlos Syndrome service
London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust
Northwick Park Hospital
United Kingdom
Clinic Type: Yes
Qualification Type: Medical/ Dental/ Nursing
School Name: University of Manchester
Degree: MBChB
Qualification Type: Professional Qualification
School Name: Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health
Degree: MBChB
Qualification Type: Professional Qualification
School Name: University of London
Degree: MD