Nicole Chuba
[email protected] https://nicolechuba.comProfessional Designation: CYT
Specialities: Therapist - Yoga
About these Clinics/Practices
Nicole Chuba, CYT is a Movement Coach specializing in working with people with hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and chronic pain. Initially trained in yoga, Nicole has transformed her movement style to benefit bodies with chronic pain. Nicole now helps individuals regain awareness of a body that has been stuck in a constant state of chronic pain and helps to build a body/mind relationship. Nicole has successfully completed EDS ECHO IMM and has been trained by Jeannie Di Bon.
Nicole has always had an interest in communication within the health field and has experience in health insurance and EMR systems. Nicole currently works for a startup company that is transforming modern healthcare through an accessible HIPAA-compliant platform. In her free time, she writes for her blog, as well as other sources such as The Lupus Chick on chronic pain-free movement.
Nicole is also passionate about introducing yoga/movement to individuals at a young age. Nicole volunteers her virtual teaching services to foster care organizations. (If you know of a foster organization that would benefit from Nicole’s virtual class, please contact her at
Practice/Clinic Information
Movement by Nicole
PA - Pennsylvania
United States