Rebecca Gawler
[email protected] +61-9386-4142 Designation: Physiotherapist
Specialities: Physiotherapist
About these Clinics/Practices
Helping people with:
– Musculoskeletal injuries and pain
– Ehlers danlos syndrome, hypermobility and related co-morbidities such as POTS, ME/CFS and chronic pain
– Those with eating disorders or an unhealthy relationship with exercise
– Education around management of these conditions, pacing and exercise
– Incorporating movement/exercise at a level that suits your individual body and takes into consideration co-morbidities, mental health, enjoyment and other lifestyle factors
Practice/Clinic Information
Reload Physio
789 Sydney Road
VIC - Victoria
Qualification Type: Undergraduate
School Name: La Trobe University
Degree: Bachelor of Health Science
Qualification Type: Postgraduate
School Name: La Trobe University
Degree: Master of Physiotherapy Practice
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