Rita White

Physical Therapist, Pelvic Floor Therapist

About these Clinics/Practices

I opened Intrinsic Physical Therapy in order to better serve those with EDS and associated syndromes such as POTS and MCAS. I provide customized, integrative physical therapy to address all facets of chronic illness with specialities in chronic pain management and pelvic floor physical therapy. I utilize pain neuroscience education, manual therapy including visceral manipulation, and stabilization protocols as well as health coaching to provide a holistic approach to healing. I have the triad of hEDS, MCAS, and POTS myself and my goal is to provide a more compassionate and understanding rehabilitation experience for those also experiencing these diagnoses.

Professional Designation: DPT

Practice/Clinic Information

Intrinsic Physical Therapy
4250 Dahlberg Drive
Golden Valley
MN - Minnesota
United States

http://www.intrinsic-pt.com +1-612-440-8455


Qualification Type: Undergraduate

School Name: College of Saint Benedict

Degree: BA

Qualification Type: Postgraduate

School Name: St. Catherine University

Degree: DPT

Last Updated: 23rd January 2025

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