Rob Poepsel

Physical Therapist/Physiotherapist
Physical Therapy/Physiotherapy

About these Clinics/Practices

My name is Rob and I started practicing as a PTA in 2016. Most of my time practicing thus far has been focused on orthopedic rehab, treating musculoskeletal pathologies, non-operative injuries, and post-surgical physical therapy. In 2019 I completed a 2-year program through the Association of Clinical excellent where I earned the designation of a Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist Assistant. My wife, who also practices physical therapy, was diagnosed with EDS in 2021. We’ve spent a lot of time discussing physical therapy treatment approaches, focusing on joint stability and correcting compensatory patterns to reduce likelihood of future injuries and improving movement confidence and function. Having a spouse and partner who is also passionate about physical therapy has been beyond beneficial to my development as a provider.

As I grew as a clinician and leader, I took on a role as clinic director at PT Solutions in the Midway neighborhood of Chicago. This has been a rewarding experience as we accept many Medicaid plans that are oftentimes barriers to patients getting the transformative care they need.

I hope to continue improving as a clinician and advocate for EDS in any way I can, but the most immediate impact I feel I can make is providing physical therapy services.

Professional Designation: PTA, COPTA

Practice/Clinic Information

PT Solutions
5141 S. Cicero Avenue, Suite 100
IL - Illinois
United States


Last Updated: 30th January 2025

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