EDS ECHO Nurses Summit Netherlands

EDS ECHO Nurses Summit, Netherlands:

A Conference for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS)

November 4, 2021

Collaborating organizations: Vereniging van Ehlers-Danlos Patienten (VED) and Vereniging van Verpleegkundig Specialisten (V&VN VS)

The Ehlers-Danlos Society, the Dutch EDS Patient organization ‘Vereniging van Ehlers-Danlos Patienten (VED)’ and the Dutch organization for Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants ‘Vereniging van Verpleegkundig Specialisten (V&VN VS)’ are proud to present the EDS ECHO Nurses Summit, the Netherlands: A Conference for Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants on the Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes on November 4, 2021, 8:15-13:30 (CET, Central Europe).

The Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS) are a group of hereditary disorders of connective tissue that affect the skin, joints, blood vessels, gut, and many other organs and tissues. The EDS are complex, multisystemic conditions, and the average time to diagnosis of an Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) is 10-12 years: for some, it can take decades. Early diagnosis is crucial to positive patient health.

This congress is for nurse practitioners, physician assistants, general practitioners (GP), rehabilitation doctors, and physiotherapists. This event is from a European perspective, but participants are welcome to join from anywhere in the world.

After joining this congress, you will have learned about the multisystemic nature of EDS to be able to better help your patients. Additionally, you will be given the knowledge to identify patients within your practice so ultimately patients can be diagnosed at an early stage. Join us as leading experts present the latest research and management strategies, and cover a range of topics including:

  • Local anaesthetics and narcosis
  • Hypermobility issues with EDS
  • Discussion of self-management of living with a chronic disease
  • How care is organized
  • Social and psychological guidance

This event is approved for 4.5 ANCC Continuing Nursing Education (CNE) Credits for sessions attended LIVE.

How can I attend this event?

This congress will take place on November 4, 2021, at 8:15-13:30 (CET, Central Europe). Please use a time zone converter such as world time buddy to find the correct times in your location.

The conference will take place online via Zoom Webinar. If you cannot attend live, registrants will be able to access the full content from the event on-demand, from November 5, 2021. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Op 4 november 2021 van 08:15 tot 13:30 (CET) vindt het EDS ECHO congres voor verpleegkundig specialisten en physician assistants plaats. Het congres is een samenwerking tussen de Vereniging van Ehlers-Danlos patiënten, de beroepsvereniging van Verpleegkundig Specialisten en de Ehlers-Danlos Society.

Het congres is bedoeld om kennis op te doen over de Ehlers Danlos syndromen om vroegtijdig symptomen te signaleren zodat je een mogelijke patiënt eerder kunt herkennen en beter kunt helpen. Ook leer je wat deze aandoening in de praktijk betekent voor de zorgverlening.

Neem deel en leer van de Nederlandse experts, de ins en outs over de volgende topics:

  • Anesthesie & pijnmedicatie
  • Hypermobiliteit en EDS
  • Hart & Vaat risico’s
  • Zelfmanagement bij chronische ziekten
  • Praktijkvoorbeelden van zorgpaden voor EDS-patiënten
  • Sociale & Psychologische ondersteuning

Dit congres gaat uit van het Europese perspectief echter staat het open voor internationale deelname.

The Dutch patient organization for Ehlers-Danlos Patients has existed since 1984. The organization was founded to help patients with EDS and their relatives with information on EDS. The VED is the main Dutch contact for patients and practitioners and works together with other patient organizations and umbrella organizations.

We are part of international working groups and follow international research. The VED translates relevant information from (inter)national medical publications and publishes it on our website. We also actively collaborate with professional associations, training institutes, and hospitals to increase knowledge among healthcare professionals.

The VED is run by volunteers who either have EDS or have close relatives with EDS.

www.ehlers-danlos.nl – [email protected] 

In the Netherlands, the first Nurse Practitioners (Verpleegkundig Specialisten) graduated in 2000. In 2001, the Dutch Professional Nurse Practitioner Organization (V&VN VS) was founded. Currently, after a two-or-three year Master level study at a University of Applied Sciences, graduates receive a Master of Science degree.

The aim of V&VN VS is to be spokesperson for Nurse Practitioners, and to further the development of the profession and its place within the Dutch healthcare system. (Co)organizing professional education, such as this congress about EDS to enhance the knowledge of the nurse practitioners is one of the aims of V&VN VS.

We are delighted to co-host this congress with The Ehlers-Danlos Society and the VED.

About Project ECHO

EDS ECHO® is a program for healthcare professionals across all disciplines who want to improve their ability to care for people with EDS, HSD and associated symptoms and conditions.

Project ECHO® addresses population health in a scalable way — moving knowledge instead of patients via telementoring and collaborative care.

The heart of the ECHO model™ is its hub-and-spoke knowledge-sharing networks, led by expert specialist teams. The ECHO model is not “telemedicine” where specialists assume the care of the patient; it is a guided model aimed at practice improvement, in which providers retain responsibility for patients, and gain increasing independence as skills, confidence, and self-efficacy grow.

In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by the Ehlers Danlos Society and Project ECHO.  Project ECHO® is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

Project ECHO

ANCC Designation Statement

Project ECHO® designates this live activity for a maximum of 4.5 ANCC contact hours.  Nursing contact hours will be awarded for successful completion of program components based upon documented attendance and completion of evaluation.

Disclosure Statement

Project ECHO®, in compliance with the ACCME Standards of Commercial Support, requires that anyone who is in a position to control the content of an activity disclose all relevant financial relationships they have had within the last 12 months with a commercial interest related to the content of this activity. The Planners and Presenters of this activity disclose that they have no financial relationships with any commercial interest. Professor Lara Bloom, Stacey Simmonds, Sacha Aziz, Dr. S. Demirdas, Dr. M. Scheper, Dr. Janssen, Dr. J. Van Wijck, Dr. L. Cornelissens, Dr. Ria den Hertog, Dr. Vis, Dr. Spelt.

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