From Arizona to Amsterdam, Ehlers-Danlos organizations and individuals from across the globe have planned public events from bake sales and photo shoots, to parade floats and awareness walks for Ehlers-Danlos Awareness Month this May.
Local groups and individuals play an integral part in raising awareness for the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes by taking the message to their local communities. Whether reaching out to medical students or online gamers, every one of these events introduces new people to the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility disorders, taking us closer towards our goal of global awareness.
Here are some of the events happening around the world this month:
May 5:
Wausau, WI, USA – Meagan’s H.O.P.E Memorial Walk for EDS Awareness and Suicide Prevention
May 10:
Swindon, UK – EDS Awareness Day
May 12:
Amsterdam, NL – The Netherlands Hospital EDS Awareness
Tucson, AZ – Physical Therapy Talk by Tiffany Hodges, (PT) DPT
May 15:
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK – Health Advocates — Invisible Illness Awareness — What is EDS?
May 16:
Essex, UK – EDS Awareness Coffee
May 18:
International – Red4vEDS Day
Online, – EDS Awareness Charity Livestream with Kayleigh Maijala
May 19:
Council Bluffs, IA – EDS Awareness Float in Council Bluffs Parade
May 20
Burbank, CA – 2nd Annual EDS Awareness Party
New York, NY – Connect Our Tissues EDS/HSD Awareness Photo Shoot & Social Event
May 21
Loma Linda, CA – EDS Awareness at Loma Linda University
Click here for more information about these events
The Ehlers-Danlos Society has a variety of posters and educational handouts for awareness events available here and here.
Post photos of your event on Instagram with #FragileButUnbreakable to enter our Instagram contest.
Have an awareness event coming up? Tell us about it!