2023 Global Learning Conference FAQs

​If the event is canceled, you will be offered a full refund or a credit to use towards a future Ehlers-Danlos Society event. If the event is postponed, we will email you to inform you of the new dates and offer you an automatic transfer of your registration to the new dates, or a full refund.
Y​es, you can add as many attendees as you like to your cart, and then check out with one payment.
Payment can be made by credit or debit card, or through Paypal. We do not accept checks or cash. The only way to purchase a ticket is through our event webpage.
Your tickets will be sent electronically to you by email. We do not send paper tickets by post. If you cannot find your ticket, please email ​[email protected]​ and we will look up your reservation and resend you your ticket/s.
You can either show your ticket on your phone or print a copy off to show at registration.
I​f the event becomes fully booked, we will remove the registration link and open a waitlist. We will only be able to offer spaces if registrants cancel, so we cannot advise on the likelihood of being able to attend. However, we will contact those on the waiting list as soon as we receive notice of cancelation.
W​e offer in-person Junior Zebra tickets for those ages 6 – 17. We are very sorry but children under 6 are not permitted to attend the event. We do not offer virtual tickets to anyone under 18 years old.
If you would like to swap a registrant’s name, you must inform us at least seven days before the event so that we can edit your registration. We cannot accept name swaps on site.
If you purchase a ticket for the entire event, you are free to come and go as you please and can attend as many or as few sessions as you wish. If you purchase a one-day ticket, it can only be used on the specified day for which it was purchased.
Tickets can only be purchased in advance and online, up to seven (7) days before the event, subject to availability.
We are unable to provide invoices to a third party for event registrations. All bookings must be made through our online registration system using a credit or debit card. A receipt for any event bookings will be provided to help you to claim reimbursement.
If your registration was successful, you will receive a confirmation email within a few minutes. Please check your spam folder and add [email protected] to your safe senders list. If you have not received a confirmation or cannot find your confirmation, please email [email protected] so that we can resend it to you.
I​f you cancel before midnight EST on July 1, 2023, you will be entitled to a full refund. Unfortunately, if you cancel after this date, we are unable to issue a refund. However, we are happy to accept replacement delegates up to seven (7) days before the event. Please notify us immediately so that we can update your registration.
To cancel a booking, email [email protected] stating your full name and the event title. If you have arranged for another delegate to take your place, include this in your email so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
If you are unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances, please contact the events team at [email protected] for further advice.
If you are an authorized affiliate of The Ehlers-Danlos Society, please enter the coupon code you have been emailed when checking out. If you have not received a code or if you are interested in finding out more about becoming an affiliate, please email [email protected].
Up to two (2) affiliate representatives are entitled to 20% off ticket prices for our events worldwide, as well as a 25% discount on merchandise purchased at events by the representatives.
Yes, the full event is open to community members.
Yes, the full event is open to healthcare professionals who are encouraged to join in to learn more about the management and treatment of EDS and HSD from a lay perspective.
No, virtual tickets cannot be switched to in-person tickets. You will need to apply for a ticket cancellation and refund, and then rebook a new in-person ticket.
Yes, you can email [email protected] and our events team can arrange a ticket type transfer for you. A partial refund will be issued for the price difference, where applicable.
General & Logistics
Abstract submissions for oral and speaker presentations are currently closed. If you would like to receive notification of future opportunities for presenting, please sign up to our bi-weekly newsletter, Connect.
P​lease​ email [email protected] with the potential speaker’s name, job title and organization, and a brief description (under 100 words) of what they would talk about. Your suggestion will be considered by the conference organizing committee and we will let you know by email if the speaker has been accepted.
Please email [email protected]​ with your full name and the name of the event you attended, and we will send you a copy of your receipt.
W​e will upload the event presentations to our website and to the event app, Whova, before the event. Any other media (video/audio recordings, etc.) which may have been produced will take up to six weeks to become available. Registrants will have lifetime access to this content.
We believe that involving the EDS and HSD community in our conferences and events is important. Our conferences are an opportunity for people to debate important issues in health and social care, and patients and carers are an essential part of those discussions.
- Scholarships – To help ensure those with EDS and HSD can contribute to our conferences, we offer scholarships for free registrations
- Community Voices – We always endeavour to have at least one community voice on our event agendas, either volunteering, presenting, chairing, facilitating, or on a panel
- Planning the event – Where possible, we will ask advice from community members on suggestions for speakers and content
- Volunteering at the event – Volunteers are a vital part of our events. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, we invite you to learn more by emailing [email protected]
M​any of our conference attendees are solo travelers. Our goal is to make you feel as welcome and comfortable as possible. We recommend making the most of our dedicated event app, to communicate with your fellow attendees and arrange and attend meetups during the event. Full details on the app will be announced two weeks before the event.
The venue is wheelchair accessible in all areas and some accessible hotel rooms are available to book on-site.
Lunch and refreshment breaks are included in your ticket price, you can find the menu here. Breakfast and dinner are not included.
W​e take our attendees’ dietary restrictions and food allergies very seriously. Please carefully complete the dietary request question in the attendee information section when you purchase your ticket, including any food allergies. If you have any questions or concerns about the catering at this event, please email [email protected].
We do not offer reserved seating. We suggest arriving at the sessions as early as possible to ensure you are seated with family members or caregivers. We will have dedicated tables reserved towards the back of the ballroom for wheelchair users.
We strive to make our events as comfortable as possible for our community. For community events, whenever space permits, we have “cabaret style” seating, which is round tables with seats around them in a crescent to enable you to lean and rest on the tables.
​Outside food and drink is not permitted anywhere inside the venue unless it is medically required. You may bring cell phones and electronic devices but photographing or recording the sessions is not permitted. We will have refrigerators where you can store medication; for more information on arranging this service please email [email protected].
You are welcome to bring your service dog, but other pets are not permitted.
C​hildren over the age of 6 are welcome to attend. Any attendee under the age of 18 must always be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18.
Y​es, we have a dedicated event app which will have all you need to know in the run up to the event and will be updated regularly with alerts. Full details on the app and how to download it will be sent to the email address you provided at registration a few weeks before the event.
The Gala Dinner will take place on Friday, August 4, 2023, at 7:30 pm. A ticket includes a buffet dinner and live entertainment. The gala dinner is suitable for all ages. We invite you to submit your application to perform at our farewell dazzle! Full details will be announced soon.
We are delighted to collaborate with and welcome our incredible sponsors, who will be announced in the upcoming months.
Yes! We will have our popular EDS shop open at this event. Payment can be made by cash or credit card. As we can only stock a small range of our products on site, you might like to visit the​ shop page​ on our website to view the entire range.
Yes, we email final information to all registrants one week before the event, which will include the times that registration and the program will begin, directions to the venue, information on our event app, and a copy of the program.
Please note The Ehlers-Danlos Society’s Event Code of Conduct Policy, which all attendees, speakers, exhibitors, organizers, and volunteers are required to abide by.
COVID Safety
Updated: January 17, 2023
As an organization, we are committed to ensuring the safety of our event attendees and members. It is mandatory for ALL persons within the meeting and event spaces to wear a facemask covering BOTH their nose and mouth at all times, except while eating during mealtimes, or when presenting on stage, while indoors (unless there is a medical exemption). This applies to all attendees and accompanying persons over the age of two years. The COVID-19 guidance will be regularly updated, and event attendees will be emailed the latest COVID-19 Guidance, a week before the 2023 Global Learning Conference.
For more information on EDS & HSD and COVID-19, please follow this link, where you can find information on advice for staying safe, the risks of COVID-19 and other concerns for people with EDS or HSD.
In Ireland, the wearing of face masks is not mandatory (Public Health Advice in Place Right Now. Department of the Taoiseach; Department of Health, Last updated 18 October, 2022), but The Ehlers-Danlos Society requires all attendees to wear face masks covering BOTH their nose and mouth, unless there is a medical exemption, during the Global Learning Conference, taking place in Dublin from August 2-5, 2023.
Travel to Ireland
Since Sunday, 6 March 2022 travelers to Ireland are not required to show proof of vaccination, proof of recovery or a negative PCR test result upon arrival.
Travelers to Ireland are no longer asked to complete a COVID-19 Passenger Locator Form and travel carriers will not ask to check a PLF receipt prior to travel to Ireland.
There are no post-arrival testing or quarantine requirements for travelers to Ireland.
Any individual that develops COVID-19 symptoms while in Ireland should follow the HSE guidance in relation to isolation and undertaking antigen or PCR testing as appropriate.
Countries and regions or states around the world are in different stages of the management of the pandemic. Individuals should follow the local official advice both with regards to emergency service and social and medical isolation policies.
The signs and symptoms to look out for in particular are fever (37.8 centigrade/100 Fahrenheit or above), persistent cough, and increasing difficulty breathing. Nausea and diarrhea may also be a concern. We recommend everyone make themselves familiar with these signs, and that they also are familiar with their local emergency services recommendations as to when and how to seek help.
The ways to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus are the same for everyone, and we recommend everyone follow these protective measures from The World Health Organization:
- Wash your hands frequently.
- Maintain social distancing.
- Avoid touching eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
- Practice respiratory hygiene.
- If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.
- Stay informed and follow the advice given by your healthcare provider.
The statement above is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
Alan Hakim, MB BChir, MA, FRCP, Chief Medical Officer, The Ehlers-Danlos Society
Fransiska Malfait, MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, The Ehlers-Danlos Society
Clair Francomano, MD, Medical and Scientific Board Chair, The Ehlers-Danlos Society
On-site tips for attendees
You know your body and its limits. If you need to rest, DO IT! Please do not feel shy about leaving the middle of a session if you need a break.
Meeting room temperatures tend to fluctuate. Wearing layers allows you to warm up and cool down more easily as needed.
We have many in our group with chemical sensitivities, and we need to make sure they can enjoy the conference too.
Being surrounded by people who understand is a true gift, and one that is treasured by those who have come to previous conferences. One of the best parts of conferences is the sense of community; seeing old friends, making new ones, and sharing experiences without the need to explain.
The conference helps The Ehlers-Danlos Society in our mission to raise awareness and share knowledge. Many attendees leave the conference not just newly informed but also newly inspired to spread the word in their communities and beyond. The energy felt at the conference helps propel our work onward.
Please have fun. EDS and HSD can drain our energy and interfere with the things we would like to do. It is easy to forget to enjoy the conference experience, filled with learning, sharing… and FUN!
Thank you for remembering that recording is not allowed in any session.