Published: 05/11/2020

Working together for Molly

My wife, Molly was diagnosed over twenty years ago with hypermobile EDS (hEDS). For years, we have dealt with many challenges EDS has brought.

For most of those years, we have been able to live a pretty normal life, albeit with limitations and strong medications. We have owned and rode horses for most of our 25 years of marriage.

Molly’s jaw is her worst joint. When it acts up, it shuts everything down. Unfortunately, for the last 3 years, Molly has been mostly housebound after a hospital stay in 2015. She is in bed for over twenty hours a day. It has been a struggle and we are trying to get her moving again. She has also had to deal with other medical issues, such as anemia, which really affects her energy levels. Just about the time we think we are making progress, we suffer another setback.

We live near Nashville, TN, and are retired. Molly is a disabled veteran. If we could just get Molly going again and back on her feet (and horse), we would be so happy. I am working to try and get her back into water therapy and moving again. This is a picture of Molly at her best. We really love to see how The Ehlers-Danlos Society is working to inform people about EDS while trying to find answers. Keep up the fight.

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