Published: 05/07/2017 Tags: In Memoriam

Susan Smithwick

I met Sue five years ago on one of the bigger EDS bulletin boards. What stood out right away was how much heart she had. The desire to be there for her family, no matter what was going on with her, was the strongest I’ve seen in a long time. Even if it meant she was neglected (and she was), she kept doing what was best for her mother, whom she lived with to help out, her children, and her grandchildren. When she started breaking bones it didn’t stop her, just like the dislocations never stopped her. When the EDS board had a big upheaval, she moved with a handful of us to a tiny, family-style one. Sue always had the best advice and reached out to us if she was struggling. Sadly, Sue was diagnosed with cancer last year. Because of what EDS had done to her body, she was too sick to handle much in the way of chemo and the cancer spread fast. We lost her a couple of months ago. Sue left a hole in our hearts, but we know she is out of pain now.

Holly Morgan

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