Isabelle Brock, MD
Isabelle Brock, MD, performs advanced clinical research and offers comprehensive services to clients with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), connective tissue disorders, dysautonomia, mast cell disorders, and problems with posture and proprioception at 3 Pillars Therapeutics and QoLIFY (Quality of Life Improvements for You).
Dr. Brock has more than six years of experience in EDS research including opening clinics solely dedicated to EDS and its comorbidities. Dr Brock’s thesis on EDS is the basis of which the EDS Paris scale was created.
Dr. Brock serves as a member of the International Consortium on EDS, Pain Management Group; on the executive board and as clinical project manager at the Research and Study Group for EDS at GERSED, France and is an honorary president for GERSED, Belgium; on the scientific committee at the EDS Initiative Deutschland; and on the scientific committee of the Foundation for Research and Advocacy in Muscle Pain Education (FRAME).
Education: Doctor of Medicine at Windsor University School of Medicine in St. Kitts, West Indies; Bachelor of Arts in Italian Philology from the University of Stockholm, Sweden; Certificate in EDS Diagnosis from the Paris-Est Créteil University in Paris, France; Certificate in Ayurvedic Medicine for Medical Professionals from the Institute of Ayurveda and Alternative Medicine in Sri Lanka (in conjunction with the University of Ruhuna in Sri Lanka).
Fluent in: English, Italian, Swedish, French, and German.