In March 2017, the International Consortium on Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Related Disorders released in the American Journal of Medical Genetics (Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics) the work of more than two years: 245 pages of the first examination of EDS in almost 20 years, as well as articles about the various conditions that so frequently come along in someone with EDS. The supplement is intense, dense reading, written by top experts. But what about those of us who don’t have the time or background to delve into the scientific language — the newly-diagnosed person with EDS, our families and friends, journalists and students who want a quick understanding, even doctors, nurses, physical therapists, technicians who need a fast read before an appointment?
We introduce here the journal papers in versions for non-experts, written in language accessible by anyone without missing any of the important information. When you click on an image or title below, you’ll be taken to a web page containing the full non-expert paper, where you can also download a PDF to print out or to email. The full journal articles will always be available; there’s a link in each non-expert article to the original. We hope these less-complicated versions help all of us provide easy to read information to anyone, and we thank Benjamin Guscott for his tireless and well-appreciated work in providing them.