Marina Colombi, PhD
Marina Colombi, Prof. PhD, is a clinical and molecular geneticist who specializes in heritable disorders of connective tissue. She graduated with honors in Biology, option Genetics, at the University of Pavia, Italy, and she was a PhD in genetic engineering at the University of Helsinki, Finland. She was research assistant professor of Applied Biology at the School of Medicine, University of Brescia, Italy, were she became full professor of Medical Genetics. Prof Colombi is the Director of the Division of Biology and Genetics, Department of Molecular and Translational Medicine and of the Postgraduate School of Medical Genetics. She has various responsibilities at the University of Brescia with focus on clinical genetics of rare diseases and genetic laboratory testing. Her major diagnostic and research interests include heritable connective tissue disorders, genodermatoses, and their pathomechanisms. She is author of more than 130 articles in international journals and various book chapters and books.