May Awareness Month – Make it Official With a Proclamation!

Make it Official With a Proclamation

If you live in the United States, join The Ehlers-Danlos Society to help increase awareness of EDS and HSD by requesting a Proclamation for May Awareness Month!

A proclamation is a formal public statement and an official announcement of EDS and HSD Awareness Month in your local area. Make May officially Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes (EDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD) Month in your state or city by requesting a Proclamation.

How do I take part?

  1. Check the status of your city or state below. If your state or local government isn’t listed, then MAKE IT OFFICIAL!
  2. Follow the easy steps below, and use our handy template to request your Proclamation!
  3. Complete this form to tell us your proclamation is in progress.

Here are the most common steps to request a proclamation from a governor or mayor; however, some states and cities may vary regarding proclamation procedures.

  • Start by locating the appropriate state or city government website
    • USA State proclamation webpages can be found here.
    • Search for state governors here.
    • Search for state legislature websites and contact information here.
    • Search for state legislature schedules here.
  • You may find a tab called “Mayor’s Page” or “Governor’s Page.” Also look for “Ceremonial” or “Forms” on the navigation menu.
  • If you do not see any of these, try using the site’s search feature with the word “proclamation.”
  • Another option is the website’s “Contact Us” link. This area allows you to write a brief message such as: How do I ask the governor to issue a proclamation declaring May 2024 Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders Awareness Month?
  • A staff person will probably reply and email a form to complete. Email the form back for an official signature.
  • If no form is available, use the proclamation template provided by The Ehlers-Danlos Society. Mail or email to the mayor’s or governor’s office along with a formal request from your state or district association.
  • Follow up with a phone call just to be sure your request arrived.
  • When you have requested your proclamation, let us know by completing this form!
  • When you have confirmation that the proclamation has been signed, contact local media to suggest a news item, interview, or photo with the mayor or governor and affiliate representatives.
  1. Alabama
  2. Arizona
  3. Arkansas
  4. British Columbia, Canada
  5. California
  6. City of Clovis, California
  7. City of Santa Monica, California
  8. Colorado
  9. Connecticut
  10. Delaware
  11. Florida
  12. Illinois
  13. Indiana
  14. Iowa
  15. Kansas
  16. Kentucky
  17. Maryland
  18. Massachusetts
  19. Michigan
  20. Minnesota
  21. Mississippi
  22. Missouri
  23. Montana
  24. Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
  25. New Hampshire
  26. New Jersey
  27. New York
  28. North Carolina
  29. Oklahoma
  30. Oregon
  31. Pennslyvania
  32. Rhode Island
  33. South Carolina
  34. Texas
  35. Virginia
  36. Washington
  37. Washington D.C.
  38. West Virginia
  39. Wisconsin

“I care so much about being an advocate for EDS and HSD, and for individuals with these conditions.

“My focus as an advocate is going to be on complex issues-chronic illness and pain, high-risk pregnancies, end-of-life planning, hospice and helping people navigate preparing for Social Security disability.” ~ Ashton

“When I saw the Proclamation Challenge, I knew that this was a challenge that I had to complete. I am constantly trying to find ways to spread awareness for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, so I started at the top with the governor of South Carolina! It wasn’t easy. I don’t think I stopped smiling the entire day. I am currently reaching out to local news networks to try to get media coverage for the proclamation.” ~ Julianna

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