The working groups were formed to investigate the co-morbid diagnoses and symptoms associated with the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, principally with the hypermobility type. The groups have been tasked to identify the links between these co-morbidities and the Ehlers-Danlos syndromes and hypermobility spectrum disorders, to identify research pathways, and to provide guidance for the best clinical strategies to care for people with each of the co-morbidities.
- Allergy and Immunology Working Group
- Allied Health Working Group
- Autonomic Working Group
- Diet and Nutrition Working Group
- Gastrointestinal Working Group
- Hematology Working Group
- Neurology Working Group
- Oral Manifestations and Ear, Nose & Throat Working Group
- Orthopaedics Working Group
- Pain Management Working Group
- Paediatric Working Group
- Pelvic Floor and Bladder Disorders Working Group
- Psychiatric and Psychological Aspects Working Group
- Skin Working Group